Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Contest

One of the events my Relay For Life team put together this summer was a BABY CONTEST! YaY! I put Emma in so she could help raise money for such an important cause but she wasn't able to win any of the prizes. With everyones help we ended up raising over $1,200! WOW!
I had an absolute BLAST making her milk jug. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

I made the entire jug with decorations ALL out of stuff laying around or house or in our recycling bins! I used alot of cardboard, plastics, washcloth, gatorade cap, toothpicks and my favorite...the sand is cinnamon & sugar!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yard Sale City...

Erica, Mandy and I all had a yard sale together at my house! Whew...let me tell ya, what a task that was. Can you imagine having boxes and boxes of things that 3 girls don't want anymore! Mandy came over the Friday before the sale and we all hung out and priced our stuff for the next day. Landon and Emma did the most work....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mothers Day/ Baby Dedication

Sunday we had Emma dedicated at church, instead of a baptisim they dedicate the children to the church. It was a really nice ceremony and something we will cherish forever.

It was also mothers day and Scott was amazing! He got me the sweetest card from Emma, it was like a best mom certificate. Soooo sweet! He also got me some presents from him, as listed in previous posts because I believe he ended up saying like 20 different things were for mothers day, such as my cabinet, my new Coach purse, and a willow tree :) He's a keeper!

After church we went down to my grannys, moms and then to Scotts parents for a cookout.