Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

And thankful I am....
-my parents
-my Granny
-my soon to be in laws
-my extended family
-my wonderful friends!
-all 5 of my critters
-my health
-the roof over my head
-that I have a job
-my warm bed
-the clothes I put on each day
-the food we are able to put on our table
-being able to be a mother
Many people do not get one thing on this list, much less a whole entire list of things they are thankful for...I am blessed.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Emma Paige!

Dear Emma,

This is your mommer and I want to write you a lil' note on your first birthday! First off, let me start by saying this year has been a true blessing, you have moved into my heart and changed my life forever. I love you more and more each day. A year ago today Mommy and Daddy were in Lexington awaiting your arrival, although we were both nervous as heck, we knew that this was going to be the most wonderful adventure we have ever been on, and boy were we right!

Here's some stats on your life these days....

-you love sleeping, you normally go to bed anywhere between 9 and 10 and sleep till the same time the next morn :)

-your wearing a size 3 diaper

-and a size 12 month in clothing

-you have 4 pearly whites

-you love bananas and pizza!

-our black cat Baxter is your best bud

-your favorite toys are books and cell phones

-you say mama and dada all the time, ive also heard you say "hey" and "eye"

-you have your Daddy wrapped around your finger

-your walking and almost coming to a full run...uhhh ohh!

You are a very busy girl and love to stay on the go. We love you more than words can say. Emma Paige, you are truly our pride and joy!




Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fathers Day!

Scott & Emma...does it get any better than this?

First off let me start by saying how much I LOVE Scott. He is by far the love of my life. Have I mentioned yet that he is the best dad ever? Ok let me do so...HE'S THE BEST DAD EVER! Everytime he comes in a room, Emma lights up, her eyes sparkle and she has the biggest smile on her face. That is love. He always helps out, watches her so I can get out (see below post), feeds, bathes, plays with her. Everyday I can see their bond grow stronger, in the near future it will be safe to say we will have a complete Daddys girl on our hands, and I fear I will be left in the dust :)

Me and my dad...or Poppy to Em.
My dad is also the best dad ever, yes in a blog world you can have two greatest dads! Duh!
So I salute to all the wonderful dads out there...HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ashleighs Gettin' Hitched

All of us girls attempting a picture, the first night there.

This is my friend she smokinnnnn' or what? Shes getting married July 18th, 2009 so we went to VA beach for a weekend to celebrate MUHAHAHA!
What a FAB weekend we had too. Many drinks, tons of good times and LOTS of laughs, could you ask for a better weekend? The weather was wonderful, sun all three days!
Theres just something about being with a group of girls that you love so much, its like having a house full of sisters.
Oh yea, the anticipated question. Did you leave Emma at home? Yes, I did. It wasn't easy by any means but it was something that made me feel good to know I could survive. Since Scott was working weekend shift (Fri, Sat and Sun.) him and Emma both packed up and stayed at his parents for the weekend. This turned out wonderful for both, Scott could go to work but yet he could come home and spend his nights with Emma. During the day Scotts mom, MeMe would watch Emma until Scott got off work.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swimmin' at the Y-M-C-A

Today was my first day swimming EVER! and I loved it sooo much! At first I didn't really know what was going on, mom, dad and me all piled up in the car early with baber suits on! I was sleepy so I took a lil' nap on the way to the Y and when I woke up, surprise! My MeMe was there and we all went swimming together. I got in my with my mommer first and took turns going back and forth between her and MeMe while my dad took pictures. I finally got the hang of splashing water everywhere (as you can see :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Relay For Life/Rhinestone Rockin'

Sweet baby Emma at Relay For Life...notice she is wearing a onesie that says "My Mommy is a Rhinestone Rocker!" YaY!

We spent the day at AET for Relay For Life and it was a wonderful time. Emma was such a good girl, she rested in her play yard and strolled around with me and her Poppy (my dad).

Since I am the c0-chair for our area Relay For Life, I had to spend all day there getting various things together. We had lots of different events going on, homemade ice cream, dancers, singers, bands, raffles, was really a very enjoyable time and my team ended up raising over $5,000!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Contest

One of the events my Relay For Life team put together this summer was a BABY CONTEST! YaY! I put Emma in so she could help raise money for such an important cause but she wasn't able to win any of the prizes. With everyones help we ended up raising over $1,200! WOW!
I had an absolute BLAST making her milk jug. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

I made the entire jug with decorations ALL out of stuff laying around or house or in our recycling bins! I used alot of cardboard, plastics, washcloth, gatorade cap, toothpicks and my favorite...the sand is cinnamon & sugar!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yard Sale City...

Erica, Mandy and I all had a yard sale together at my house! Whew...let me tell ya, what a task that was. Can you imagine having boxes and boxes of things that 3 girls don't want anymore! Mandy came over the Friday before the sale and we all hung out and priced our stuff for the next day. Landon and Emma did the most work....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mothers Day/ Baby Dedication

Sunday we had Emma dedicated at church, instead of a baptisim they dedicate the children to the church. It was a really nice ceremony and something we will cherish forever.

It was also mothers day and Scott was amazing! He got me the sweetest card from Emma, it was like a best mom certificate. Soooo sweet! He also got me some presents from him, as listed in previous posts because I believe he ended up saying like 20 different things were for mothers day, such as my cabinet, my new Coach purse, and a willow tree :) He's a keeper!

After church we went down to my grannys, moms and then to Scotts parents for a cookout.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pack your bags..we're going to Grannys!

Ok so Mommy put the pictures on sideways...oh well! Today I am packed up with my bunny, books and bananas so I can go to my Grannys for the day while Mommers at work.

I go from surprised to happy real fast!

Monday, April 13, 2009

5 is the Magical Number!

Today I am 5 months old! And boy is it a hard job being 5 months, as you can see from my picture! I am now rolling over from my back to my belly, both left and right. I also have found that I love my feet and want to eat them for every meal! I'm also eating both fruits & veggies. Sooo pretty much I'm becoming a big girl and growing wayyyy too fast for Mommy & Daddy!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Oh man Mom!!! I can't believe you got me this formula and bottle nipples! WOOOO HOOO! I love my first Easter basket!
We had a wonderful first Easter with Emma, got up and went to church, and it was great as always. That afternoon we went to Scotts parents to eat lunch/dinner, yumm!
And just to add, Scott also got a chance to bleach and clean the whole deck, so we are now ready to stain it! This excites me because we are only a month away from Mothers Day and we are planning on having a cookout at the house :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

My new project...

I went to a craft show this weekend with my friend, Erica. After looking at everything atleast 5 times I kept coming back to this cabinet. I texted Scott, asked him about it...paced and finally left and went home. An hour before the craft show was over, I called Scott again (yes, by this time he didn't care what I bought, just as long as I quit calling!) I told him I wanted him to meet me down there so I could get it. I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! This will now be my new project because I will have to find a way to decorate it. I'll post new pics as I figured out what to do.

Happy 50th Birthday Poppy!

Today was my dad's 50th birthday! I can't believe hes 50 years old, another WOW! Just look at this man and tell me that he even looks like hes close to 50? HECK NO! I hope I can age as well as him and my mom both have. Since my dad is diabetic, I decided I would make him a birthday cake from scratch! The one that I picked was a Peach/Almond....I subbed pecans for the almonds, since my dad likes butter pecan ice cream ( I also got that!). Turned out ok, not the best thing I've ever made and I wish I would have picked something else but since he is my dad he loved it either way :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Melissa Stull Photography

Just wanted to give credit where credit is due! The picture that I have now posted as my blog header was taken by Melissa Stull Photography, yea it was really taken by Melissa but that's her business name :) ISN'T IT AWESOME! YES, I believe it is...I'm also biased!

This picture was taken at 4 months old...we took tons of really great pics this day, so I hope to have more posted soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Drum ROLL please!

We now ROLL OVER! Yayayayay! It's hard to believe that she is big enough and old enough to roll over. It just wows me over and over. I was going to post a video of her doing so but the last time I uploaded a video, I did the wrong one and waited forever! Maybe one day I will learn all the ins and outs of blogging :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's been a while...

And here's what I've been up to....well atleast for the most part :)

This is a suppper cute shirt, I made for a darling lil' man I know, Landon! Since his Mommer loves Virginia Tech (bleckkkkk!) I decided I would make him a shirt to show off my artistic abilites ha! I looked for Nebraska material too, since thats who his Daddy likes but Tech it was! I was very excited about the finished product and I hope it's something they will keep forever.

I am also working on some tutu's like the one that Emma is wearing in her Valentine pics, so hopefully I will be able to post those soon!

I've been working on a few wedding ideas, just small ones...first off we have def decided that we will be getting married Sept., Oct., Nov. of next year (no not all three months, just one)...yes, I know it's a long time away but would you want to spend the first year of your childs life playing around with wedding stuff? NO! We also have looked into a couple different places to actually have the wedding and reception, so far our favorite is Douthat for both. So we'll see....Thirdly, and most important we decided that we loved each other more than anything!

I'm sad to say that I really really really slacked off at Curves for like two weeks! BOOOO! How could I do this? Heck if I know, I guess I just got into a rut and didn't go. As of Mon. I was back in action, and have been both days this week! YaY for day at a time. I did sneak and weigh in though and the results were the same...I've neither gained or lost.

Monday, March 16, 2009

4 Months & Eating!

Emma had her 4 month check up and shots! OH NO! on Friday and all was well. Dr. said she was looking great and everything was good :) She did however have to have 3 shots booooo! And yes she screamed, and not just a cry but a "hold my breath for 20 seconds and then scream" and like last time it broke Mommys heart again but atleast I know shes protected. Dr. Boyd also said we could go ahead with rice cereal and stage 1 veggies! Yuuuuuummm! As you can see from the pictures Emma was in love with her new foods, yes she really is her mothers daughter, and she gobbled them right up just like the lil' turkey she is. We started with the rice cereal and I was ready for her to have a couple bites and lose interest, not my girl, no way! She ate the whole bowl and was looking for more. The next day, I gave her the rice cereal and her first veg, carrots...and as the pictures also show, this lil' girl was very interested in feeding herself or taking the spoon atleast ;)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Ring

Hellllloooooo world! I am here to announce Scott & I are engaged! WOOOO HOOO! I couldn't be happier, I know without a doubt that Scott is the one! We have so much love within our lil' family that it fills my heart with joy every time I think about the fact that I know we will spend our lives together forever. As of yet we haven't set a date but we are both in agreement that we want Emma to share this special day with us, so it will be when shes able to walk and move around on her own!!! More details to follow as we figure them out :) :) :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Princess Castle

This is the cutest high school friend Spring made this for my baby shower, it's done out of diapers, ribbons and pacis!

Oh my...Emma's closet...soo she might get this from her mom, maybe?

This is the shelf Scott got me for Valentine's. I love it because now Emma can reach all her toys!

The famous letters that her Daddy and Adam put up for her...

Just thought I would post a couple pictures for my extended family who don't get to see these things in person! :(

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fresh Air Friday

Mandy & Landon

Awww look at that big boy!

Mommy & Emma

Ahhh nothing like a good day at the park! After Mandy got off work today, she called me up and said let's go to the park, wonderful idea! The weather was perfect, almost around 80 and the kids were heart melting. Of course Emma isn't old enough to enjoy the "play" at the park but she was loving the sunshine! Landon on the other hand, boy he was everywhere, running around and most importantly making his way towards the basketball court...wonder if thats a sign?
Either's nice to know that in just a few short months these two will be double trouble, but hopefully the best of friends :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Breakfast for Dinner

Yes, this is a strange picture to post but I read on my blogging friend Renee's page about being tagged to talk about the 6th picture in your 6th picture folder. Soooo this is mine! This picture is of one of my cats Bam, aka Baby Cat, he is brushing up against my birthday flowers Scott got me just this past year. He likes climbing all over the table so this is usually where you can find him!
Today was pretty uneventful really...or somewhat because really everyday with Emma is a wonderful event! We just kicked it around the house, did some chores, cleaned...watched Sesame Street ;) (and Y&R of course!)

Tonight I went back to this was my 3rd time there! I will also be going back tomorrow, but I'm not going to weigh in again until Sat. because that will be exactly a week since the last time i weighed in.
OHH yea..haha I forgot about my title, I made breakfast for dinner tonite, biscuits & gravy, bacon and my favvvvvorite blueberry muffins! yuuumm
Tomorrow we will be going to Cuccis for dinner, proceeds from the sales will be going to Amy Vess Crizer and her family!

PJ's and TOYS!

Here's a lil Sunday activity we had before bedtime last nite! Scott and I thought we would introduce Emma to her bouncer and as far as we can tell for the first 10 mins she LOVED it! Everything was making sounds and lighting up...she was all over the place looking at all the different animals on it. Emma says thank you to her Great Auntie Cheryl and her kids for this most wonderful gift that she got!!!! (Truth be known, this was ONE of the items on my registery that I probably showed Scott everyday talking about how much I wanted it for her!)
Also, another thing that we have found that Emma loves so Sesame Street, yes from 10-11 every morning, she sits in her swing watching this show and just coooooos and coooos! I think she likes Count Dracula muhahaahhaha :)

Ohhh how this lil' girl is her mothers daughter, we both love pj's so I thought I would share a couple pictures of her favorite jammers.