Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thank heaven for little girls...

Today we decided (Scott & I...not Emma, although she is very opinionated already for such a lil girl!) that we would take a couple pictures of Emma in this adorable tutu that I ordered off eBay (another guilty pleasure) and try to get a couple shots to make Valentines cards from for her grandparents. These are the 3 best ones, she only wanted to look to the sides because that's where we were standing! This is one of the many reasons I love having a little girl...they are sooo sweet, you can always find great things to dress them up in and you get to watch them melt their Daddy's heart every single time they look at them!!!!
We had lunch today at my office, and got to see MeMe and Peepaw, after having a delicious Cucci's turkey sandwich we headed to the post office to mail off some eBay items. Boy oh boy was that a task! Carrying a baby, packages and battling the 200 mph winds we had, atleast I can put this in my book for tasks accomplished! We came home for awhile but then off to clogging, where Mommy and baby both had a fun time! Emma says, "I had such a fun time because I got to sit in front of my Mommy and her friend Mandy, Landon's mommers. I thought these girls were soooo funny because I can dance better than them!"
And for a good laugh....Scott & I tried out my new Billy Blanks Ab Boot Camp DVD tonite! HA HA HA! Ten minutes into the workout it ended with Scott claiming he needed an inhaler and me saying that I was sure my doctor wouldn't approve this workout, seeing as thought i JUST had a baby...umm 3 months ago....uhh umm hmmm....

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